Yay, first post
Okay. Well, maybe ill start by saying a bit of who i am. I am an artist, been once since about 5th grade. I dream to be a disney artist, hopefully an charcter animator. I am now a senior in highschool. I am Tulsa Technology student, in a 2 year Advertising Design, taught by Mrs. Sellers. (lol, i have been cracking up over that since the first time i have heard about the class, ADVERTISING design-SELLers.. get it?!? :D) Yeah and i can be a bit cheesy time to time. I have a tendency of noticing things, being technical and such. Im also a real smart-alic. Which is pretty bad when alot of people take you seriously. X) I hope to use this site to help show improve ment in my art. so here is my first submission.

Art is mine, duh. :)
Like i might have said, i am a disney freak, and acturally am listening to disney music right now,
Thanks for reading.