Oh and last week i recieved great news. I won an award at Brass Ring Competition. Against 411 entries, from 60 different universities, throughout the country! No news on which piece won, its a suprise. Which is understandable, it makes the event much more exciting. I have invited my family and two best friends. It'll be awesome!

The most important to me news is that it is my second year anniversary of being crazy. Or atleast crazy enough to make people worry and lock me away for a month. It was a time when my thoughts were so clear but seriously unknown to myself. As if i wasnt myself at all. A time full of conspiracy, zombie, end of the world, and being ... See Morementally as high as a kite with out even trying. I snapped and a month later i snapped back. It was a wild time, going through the mental hospital system, but i think it made me learn who i am in a way, and really put everything into a better perspective. I feel a little special that i can say i was once a lunatic, and say that i still am. It just a controlled crazy now. One that i utilize for my art.
Also i realize that i havent been updating regularly, im just waiting for the conditions to be right and when i have many things to say.
Well im off to draw a picture with a robot, a girl, and old fashion head phones.
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