Sunday, February 28, 2010

Many cool happenings

'Ha! I kissed you in another dimension!~' -picture to the right. Me smootching on my favorite cartoon nerd rapper, mc chris. Yay! Im a creepy fan girl!

Okay this past 2 weeks. hmm where to begin. Well School has been the same, pretty awesome everyday. I went to the first ALT club meeting. (*The Animation League of Tulsa)My teacher Mr Hopkins was there and one of my past 3d teachers, Larry Latham. My friend Derrick McDonald went with me. It was fun but when the tablets came out he was hesitent. :) but still really cool to meet with fellow artist who share the same passion for animation.

Omigosh Alice in Wonderland is less then a week away. alsdfalksfladsh I can't wait. (Im going to be dressing up. In a tuto type dress, white pantyhose and lovely alice shoes.) Going to be meeting tons of friends there and all watch it.
I have started reading a book title House of Leaves. My friends have told me that it is amazing, a real psychological thriller. I look forward to it (so far on page 4 XP)
Legasp! I am now a tattoo designer! DerrickMFMcDonald got a tattoo of a kirby running with a personalized axe. And i drew it! I would put up pictures of it, but not quite yet. Its a secret for now to his friends, he wants to show them personally. But when permission is granted you know ill put it on here. Such a cool feeling to know my friend has my picture perminently on him. And now it has me wondering what i would get it i had myself a tattoo. The possibilities. :3
Yesterday my friend, JesseNoodleBoyJasso, ghost rode the whip! lawl i have never seen anything like it. I was even in the car when no one was driving it and touching the movie ground below me. He is making a music video type montage. Its going to look tight. (i always double check some of the words i write. and i did for this one too. i feel so ganster! x.x)
Something really important happened last thursday. I was part of a critique for my first video editing project. I was so nervous i was even sick earlier that morning, but i think that had more to do with bad cheese. too much information! anyways.. I really felt the anxiety. Especially when I sat in the hot seat, surrounded by the eyes of my fellow peers. The video was on the projector infront of the class. Though it was cool to see in a theatre type setting, i shaking and felt like a deer in headlights. But I survived, and they really like my editing "very nice editing" my teacher, Kelly Kerr, told me. :) For everyone else's critique i could not speak up. Everyone else was using terminology i have rarely heard of. 'pace' and 'track' i mean i believe i knew what they were talking about when thinking of the context. But i was a little intimidated. All my classmates all spoke up really loud and expressed their thoughts very clearly. I think that is awesome, and i realized i need to work on that.
Also I have been watching the winter olympics and i realize that i see video in a different way now. I wonder how i saw it before. but just the angles, the editorial and interview pieces. Its really interesting to see it all, and i am amazing by how clear the picture is, and what great cameras are being used. I love figure skating, super suave.
Well I believe that will do for my blog this time. Im still keeping up with it, cant you see?

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