Sunday, February 28, 2010

Many cool happenings

'Ha! I kissed you in another dimension!~' -picture to the right. Me smootching on my favorite cartoon nerd rapper, mc chris. Yay! Im a creepy fan girl!

Okay this past 2 weeks. hmm where to begin. Well School has been the same, pretty awesome everyday. I went to the first ALT club meeting. (*The Animation League of Tulsa)My teacher Mr Hopkins was there and one of my past 3d teachers, Larry Latham. My friend Derrick McDonald went with me. It was fun but when the tablets came out he was hesitent. :) but still really cool to meet with fellow artist who share the same passion for animation.

Omigosh Alice in Wonderland is less then a week away. alsdfalksfladsh I can't wait. (Im going to be dressing up. In a tuto type dress, white pantyhose and lovely alice shoes.) Going to be meeting tons of friends there and all watch it.
I have started reading a book title House of Leaves. My friends have told me that it is amazing, a real psychological thriller. I look forward to it (so far on page 4 XP)
Legasp! I am now a tattoo designer! DerrickMFMcDonald got a tattoo of a kirby running with a personalized axe. And i drew it! I would put up pictures of it, but not quite yet. Its a secret for now to his friends, he wants to show them personally. But when permission is granted you know ill put it on here. Such a cool feeling to know my friend has my picture perminently on him. And now it has me wondering what i would get it i had myself a tattoo. The possibilities. :3
Yesterday my friend, JesseNoodleBoyJasso, ghost rode the whip! lawl i have never seen anything like it. I was even in the car when no one was driving it and touching the movie ground below me. He is making a music video type montage. Its going to look tight. (i always double check some of the words i write. and i did for this one too. i feel so ganster! x.x)
Something really important happened last thursday. I was part of a critique for my first video editing project. I was so nervous i was even sick earlier that morning, but i think that had more to do with bad cheese. too much information! anyways.. I really felt the anxiety. Especially when I sat in the hot seat, surrounded by the eyes of my fellow peers. The video was on the projector infront of the class. Though it was cool to see in a theatre type setting, i shaking and felt like a deer in headlights. But I survived, and they really like my editing "very nice editing" my teacher, Kelly Kerr, told me. :) For everyone else's critique i could not speak up. Everyone else was using terminology i have rarely heard of. 'pace' and 'track' i mean i believe i knew what they were talking about when thinking of the context. But i was a little intimidated. All my classmates all spoke up really loud and expressed their thoughts very clearly. I think that is awesome, and i realized i need to work on that.
Also I have been watching the winter olympics and i realize that i see video in a different way now. I wonder how i saw it before. but just the angles, the editorial and interview pieces. Its really interesting to see it all, and i am amazing by how clear the picture is, and what great cameras are being used. I love figure skating, super suave.
Well I believe that will do for my blog this time. Im still keeping up with it, cant you see?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Curiouser & Curiouser

Okay super important infomation first... Alice. In. Wonderland. March. 3rd. 2010. YEAHHHH its going to goooood, sir! Im telling all my friends to invite all their friends to meet on the opening weekend. I want it to be something to remember! Cause I mean Johnny Depp, his lady he is always with, the guy who played that one comedian guy off of V for Vendetta, and Disney, and EVERYTHING. (Sorry for the lack of specific names, i.. i dont know them.) This morning i went searching for new songs to get pumped for this movies arrival, its so close. Ofcourse white rabbit by jeffersen plane isnt new but others be.

Okay well new fabulous movies are not the only reason for this blog. I also had a crazy cool weekend and I planned to share with anyone who would like to know. I am a little town girl in Broken Arrow but live dangerously close to Tulsa, and has explored the down town of several occasions. But Dallas is astronomical compared to my city. I hope i used that vocabulary word correctly. Anyways. Its Beautiful and Chaotic and full of Life and Art. I went there with my two best friends Derrick and Jesse. I drove for 5 hour with the help of a British speaking GPS. I was a little rude to her every once in a while, mainly because she would repeat 'turn right' for times in a row. That got annoying fast but its all gooood. We went there and checked in at a rather fancy hotel, Holiday Inn. And Dinner there was fantastic and a good deal. And that night (Saturday, if you will) We Raved for the first time. I feel so super cool being able to say that. Though.. the first 3 hours Derrick and I just stood around with a smile on our face and hand in pocket while Jesse busted a move. But by time 11pm came we dared to get on the dance floor. It was like DDR. And we all danced and the glow sticks were pretty. And just had an absolute blast. The next day we explored the City and took tons of pictures and video. Including this of me prancing along good times, i tell you what. But i drove back and now a lil sick of driving, but i will deal, cause i still have school. Well thats the update. since the last one.. im a couple days older. yes.. Ta!~

Friday, February 12, 2010

Forget me not.

Okay today I was reflecting on the past. Just looking through old word pad documents and I feel i need to do something with them. Some are just random blurbs and some are more poetic. But iono, its art too.


"Have fun, good luck, happy. <3">

you made me want to dream. knowing you made me want to look at the stars and the moon. i always had a goofy smile plastered on my face. and my cheeks were always so blushing.


there is so much i want to say, and so much i wish i didnt.
It was like magic, it was cool, to see and believe everything was real. Maybe the tv characters werent really talking about me, but it seemed like it was really happening. I have so much memeries of it and my interpretation. I remember the time, the feeling, and the peace. The peace of knowing there is something happening thats bigger then all of us. That God is here and taking care of everyone, even people who are in dyer situations. I learned what it felt like to be crazy. To be evaluated. I remember the way i felt tring to explain my thoughts of what was going on. But it was truely an amazing experience. and now i have a different perspective on everything. Might even help improve my art. I remember thinking it was like a vacation. I was in my bedroom and tried to sleep. and i remember thinking it felt like the room in london, in a peterpan story. Maybe I just have an active imagination. and i mixed reality with fantasy. but i dont fantasize me being crazy. that was by-product i could live with out.


i love your face
i love your voice
i love your skits
i love yo

ur smooth lyrics
i love that you love nerd girls
i love that you are an artist and animator
i love mc chris


November 3rd 2008
Okay today the holiday music will start at Old Time Pottery. Im still pissed off about the exfriends thing. Im sorry but when did they "hold my hand"? Was it when i was being ignored for a month? or maybe when i was left with no contact from them will i was hospitalized..? I dont remember seeing them at all. But i guess i hillusinating again... *sigh.* watever..


to each their own


1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.5. Have fun!!!

1. Hi! What's your real name and your nickname(s)?

My real name is Sotehya but you can call me Soteh for short

2. Interesting... what's your current age?

17 years old.

3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food?

-insert madeup food in lalaland-

4. And your favorite drink?

-insert madeup drink in lalaland-

5. Confession time! Who's your crush/lover.

Well i recently visited the heights, for official leader busines, and met this incredibly cute gaurd.

6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet?

not yet. I just met him.. and he through me in jail, not exactly what i call romantic.. >.>

7. Classic question! What's your favorite colour?

my favorite color is teal and blue is a close second, thus explains my clothes.

8. Who's your favorite author?

I dont read much, too busy having ADVENTURES. but ocasionaly when im sad i read the story book big mama used to read me when i was younger. but there is no author. a little bit of alot of the wise authors and profits of the lands.

9. Now what's your biggest fear?


10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings?

yeah, all the kids at star forest. (not really related, but they are like family)

11. Almost, it's only twenty questions. Who's your hero?

the greats

12. Ok, who is your worst enemy?

Well when i was at the heights, i dont think princess sydney liked me too much. but i wouldn't say i have any enemies, just misunderstood friends -cue optimizm-

13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together?

I .. dont.. know...

14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator?

huh, i do have this weird fealing that everything is created, as if from the mind of an artist that loves to toy around with the minds and lives of their creation. as if it was a story for someone's amusement. but what do i know.

15. Okay, I'll contact him her, right now. Done! Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?

When i was a baby snoozer i wanted to be the care taker of all the creature in star forest. but i got that job already, so now i dont know what the future holds.

16. What's your worst nightmare?

for our dreamland to become a nightmare itself..

17. What's your lifelong dream?

To be happy and all was dreaming.

18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true?

i would be complete? the end? quit asking me questions.

19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax?

My tree. I love to hang up there and gaze at the sky and clouds, and stars.

20. Last question!

What do you spend most of your time doing?Helping the young snoozers find their way, take care of the other creatures.

21. We're done! Now tag whoever you want. DO IT!


These will be the days remembered

as the ones that I would be alone but not really. There are people around me all the time, only occassionally when im not. But still feel alone. Because even though i get the 'best friend' hugs and the 'family' hugs. I dont seem to get the 'Hold on to me forever because i am lost with out you in my life iloveyou' hugs.

as the ones where everyday i wonder when i will find the one, what it will be like, who it will be, how everything will play out, what fun we will have, what we will talk about, what music - movies - art - tv - we will share together.

as the ones where i will look forward to my dreams for hints and clues of what to come, or what to wish for.

as the ones where i am the only one in the many pictures that I take.

as the ones where i daydream of how i will raise my future kids. Then get a little bummed out and hafto make myself not to think about it. I kind of missed a few steps in my day dream, barely even had my first kiss.

as the ones where i compare my life to others my own age.

as the ones where i am jealous of how easy everyone else makes it look. How easily it is for others fall in love. How girls my age can throw themselves at the guys. I cant do that, it seems silly but i cant. I feel the need to hide my feelings.

as the ones where I cry occasionally and get really sad. I keep going because i believe that It will get better. I have unknowingly been promised days where nothing in the world can go wronge. I am basing all that i know on my feelings and what i have seen. And on possibilities. I am 19, I am young and there are so many people in the world. And that someone who is currently on this earth, that i have yet to meet, is there. and that i will b happy one day.


Well enough of that!~ Some new news about me. I entered a College art contest, Brass Rings, yesterday. Thats fun, and I turned in tons of school work. You should also check out my Vimeo Videos for my recent video work!


Sunday, February 7, 2010


Hi.. guess who!! I have more art. Im tring to keep it coming. This one below is new as in yesterday. but the rest may be part of this last year. I toldya, i have lots to update on.

"Hello?! Forget about someone?! It's me, Soteh! I've been around for 8 years & I have yet to have a Story!! When is it my turn to shine?! When will my tale be told?! sheeesh..."-

Okay like she said, this is Soteh. and she has been around for well she already intruduced herself. I have had been planing a comic book about her being a snoozer in lalaland, but just never finished for one reason or another. The storyline never seemed too strong. but while drawing this, i thought maybe she could tell it her self.. i dunno. but i had fun getting the expression across.

Today must be soteh-day. Well i drew this in the middle of the December month of 2009. She is just look super cute in her dress and bows. Just chillin.

Besides art, I got to school and hang out with friends. This weekend was interesting, for i mixed the two. In my video editing class we are to record some footage and add music. So Tina, my team partner, and I went to the park on Riverside in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Its a crazy cool futurist playground. We each brought some people to play at the park while we taped it. My hands were freezing, and there was no sun out, and.. it was 8am in the morning. but I still found it really fun, and it was my first video shoot. So that was funnnnn! :D
Well the rest of my weekend consists of sleeping and drawing. Super Yay!~ Ta.
JTurley 2009

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Update.. slowly but surely.

HiHi! Its me Jitty!

Alrighty then. I have about a year or more artwork to update on. Im new to the blog scene. I mean Im a bigtime DeviantArtist and Facebooker, but talking about my art might be a lil different. To the Right is dear Thumbelina (1994 film) I absolutly adore all her little outfits, they are simply gorgeous. So while i was hanging out at Taco bell i started sketching her out in her Beetle Ball dress. The wing was the part that i looked forward to the most. I really adore how this picture turned out!
The next picture i will provide a link.

I drew this for the incredibly awesome mc chris. He is a cartoon making nerd rapper. He sings of Starwars, Ninjas, and white kids who loving hip hop. I first heard of him in August, Nrrrd Grrrl song. My friend, Derrick MF Mcdonald claimed that it was me! :D And after i learned of him, i was hooked. He has an adorable voice and is way talented in rapping. I finished this picture right in time for his concert November 5th 2009. I handed to him! I even had a chance to peck him on the cheek, but i backed out, Seeing him in all hi awesomeness was good enough for one night! (plus i said that i dont kiss on the first concert. XP) But now i cannot wait to see him again, he only keeps getting awesomer!

This Holiday Season I felt like straying away for the typical red and green. Its a little bit symbolic but this is a modern mother mary. ('great alliteration, darling!~') There isnt too much to share, except that the look on her face is due to her accepting her role. The main thing i am proud of on this picture is the coloring on her face, it has a smooth yet crisp appearance.

Well I have some more past work to show up, but I'll save that for another day. I hope to keep up with this from now on. I have a goal :) Ta~


Friday, February 5, 2010


Long time, no write. i guess now isnt a good time to update the last 8 months.. since it is 225 in the morning and i hafto attend school tommorrow. but really anytime tommorrow is fine, aslong as i make up my video editing class. But i have cool news! Tonight I was a makeup artist for my friend. He was making a sign language music video, really cool stuff. I shall add some links here when i am up at a more decent hour. then again, i am young, and can bounce back. I guess the main reason iam updating this blog is because my teacher Kelly Kerr says that i need to. To get my self and my art work out there and become Uber Famous! Well I must sleep. Ta!
-Jturley 2010