Monday, February 15, 2010

Curiouser & Curiouser

Okay super important infomation first... Alice. In. Wonderland. March. 3rd. 2010. YEAHHHH its going to goooood, sir! Im telling all my friends to invite all their friends to meet on the opening weekend. I want it to be something to remember! Cause I mean Johnny Depp, his lady he is always with, the guy who played that one comedian guy off of V for Vendetta, and Disney, and EVERYTHING. (Sorry for the lack of specific names, i.. i dont know them.) This morning i went searching for new songs to get pumped for this movies arrival, its so close. Ofcourse white rabbit by jeffersen plane isnt new but others be.

Okay well new fabulous movies are not the only reason for this blog. I also had a crazy cool weekend and I planned to share with anyone who would like to know. I am a little town girl in Broken Arrow but live dangerously close to Tulsa, and has explored the down town of several occasions. But Dallas is astronomical compared to my city. I hope i used that vocabulary word correctly. Anyways. Its Beautiful and Chaotic and full of Life and Art. I went there with my two best friends Derrick and Jesse. I drove for 5 hour with the help of a British speaking GPS. I was a little rude to her every once in a while, mainly because she would repeat 'turn right' for times in a row. That got annoying fast but its all gooood. We went there and checked in at a rather fancy hotel, Holiday Inn. And Dinner there was fantastic and a good deal. And that night (Saturday, if you will) We Raved for the first time. I feel so super cool being able to say that. Though.. the first 3 hours Derrick and I just stood around with a smile on our face and hand in pocket while Jesse busted a move. But by time 11pm came we dared to get on the dance floor. It was like DDR. And we all danced and the glow sticks were pretty. And just had an absolute blast. The next day we explored the City and took tons of pictures and video. Including this of me prancing along good times, i tell you what. But i drove back and now a lil sick of driving, but i will deal, cause i still have school. Well thats the update. since the last one.. im a couple days older. yes.. Ta!~

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