Alrighty then. I have about a year or more artwork to update on. Im new to the blog scene. I mean Im a bigtime DeviantArtist and Facebooker, but talking about my art might be a lil different. To the Right is dear Thumbelina (1994 film) I absolutly adore all her little outfits, they are simply gorgeous. So while i was hanging out at Taco bell i started sketching her out in her Beetle Ball dress. The wing was the part that i looked forward to the most. I really adore how this picture turned out!
The next picture i will provide a link. http://soteh.deviantart.com/art/mc-chris-141338752
I drew this for the incredibly awesome mc chris. He is a cartoon making nerd rapper. He sings of Starwars, Ninjas, and white kids who loving hip hop. I first heard of him in August, Nrrrd Grrrl song. My friend, Derrick MF Mcdonald claimed that it was me! :D And after i learned of him, i was hooked. He has an adorable voice and is way talented in rapping. I finished this picture right in time for his concert November 5th 2009. I handed to him! I even had a chance to peck him on the cheek, but i backed out, Seeing him in all hi awesomeness was good enough for one night! (plus i said that i dont kiss on the first concert. XP) But now i cannot wait to see him again, he only keeps getting awesomer!
This Holiday Season I felt like straying away for the typical red and green. Its a little bit symbolic but this is a modern mother mary. ('great alliteration, darling!~') There isnt too much to share, except that the look on her face is due to her accepting her role. The main thing i am proud of on this picture is the coloring on her face, it has a smooth yet crisp appearance.
Well I have some more past work to show up, but I'll save that for another day. I hope to keep up with this from now on. I have a goal :) Ta~
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