"Have fun, good luck, happy. <3">
you made me want to dream. knowing you made me want to look at the stars and the moon. i always had a goofy smile plastered on my face. and my cheeks were always so blushing.
there is so much i want to say, and so much i wish i didnt.
It was like magic, it was cool, to see and believe everything was real. Maybe the tv characters werent really talking about me, but it seemed like it was really happening. I have so much memeries of it and my interpretation. I remember the time, the feeling, and the peace. The peace of knowing there is something happening thats bigger then all of us. That God is here and taking care of everyone, even people who are in dyer situations. I learned what it felt like to be crazy. To be evaluated. I remember the way i felt tring to explain my thoughts of what was going on. But it was truely an amazing experience. and now i have a different perspective on everything. Might even help improve my art. I remember thinking it was like a vacation. I was in my bedroom and tried to sleep. and i remember thinking it felt like the room in london, in a peterpan story. Maybe I just have an active imagination. and i mixed reality with fantasy. but i dont fantasize me being crazy. that was by-product i could live with out.
i love your face
i love your voice
i love your skits
i love yo
ur smooth lyrics
i love that you love nerd girls
i love that you are an artist and animator
i love mc chris
i love that you love nerd girls
i love that you are an artist and animator
i love mc chris
November 3rd 2008
Okay today the holiday music will start at Old Time Pottery. Im still pissed off about the exfriends thing. Im sorry but when did they "hold my hand"? Was it when i was being ignored for a month? or maybe when i was left with no contact from them will i was hospitalized..? I dont remember seeing them at all. But i guess i hillusinating again... *sigh.* watever..
to each their own
1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.5. Have fun!!!
1. Hi! What's your real name and your nickname(s)?
My real name is Sotehya but you can call me Soteh for short
2. Interesting... what's your current age?
17 years old.
3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food?
-insert madeup food in lalaland-
4. And your favorite drink?
-insert madeup drink in lalaland-
5. Confession time! Who's your crush/lover.
Well i recently visited the heights, for official leader busines, and met this incredibly cute gaurd.
6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet?
not yet. I just met him.. and he through me in jail, not exactly what i call romantic.. >.>
7. Classic question! What's your favorite colour?
my favorite color is teal and blue is a close second, thus explains my clothes.
8. Who's your favorite author?
I dont read much, too busy having ADVENTURES. but ocasionaly when im sad i read the story book big mama used to read me when i was younger. but there is no author. a little bit of alot of the wise authors and profits of the lands.
9. Now what's your biggest fear?
10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings?
yeah, all the kids at star forest. (not really related, but they are like family)
11. Almost, it's only twenty questions. Who's your hero?
the greats
12. Ok, who is your worst enemy?
Well when i was at the heights, i dont think princess sydney liked me too much. but i wouldn't say i have any enemies, just misunderstood friends -cue optimizm-
13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together?
I .. dont.. know...
14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator?
huh, i do have this weird fealing that everything is created, as if from the mind of an artist that loves to toy around with the minds and lives of their creation. as if it was a story for someone's amusement. but what do i know.
15. Okay, I'll contact him her, right now. Done! Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?
When i was a baby snoozer i wanted to be the care taker of all the creature in star forest. but i got that job already, so now i dont know what the future holds.
16. What's your worst nightmare?
for our dreamland to become a nightmare itself..
17. What's your lifelong dream?
To be happy and all was dreaming.
18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true?
i would be complete? the end? quit asking me questions.
19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax?
My tree. I love to hang up there and gaze at the sky and clouds, and stars.
20. Last question!
What do you spend most of your time doing?Helping the young snoozers find their way, take care of the other creatures.
21. We're done! Now tag whoever you want. DO IT!
These will be the days remembered
as the ones that I would be alone but not really. There are people around me all the time, only occassionally when im not. But still feel alone. Because even though i get the 'best friend' hugs and the 'family' hugs. I dont seem to get the 'Hold on to me forever because i am lost with out you in my life iloveyou' hugs.
as the ones where everyday i wonder when i will find the one, what it will be like, who it will be, how everything will play out, what fun we will have, what we will talk about, what music - movies - art - tv - we will share together.
as the ones where i will look forward to my dreams for hints and clues of what to come, or what to wish for.
as the ones where i am the only one in the many pictures that I take.
as the ones where i daydream of how i will raise my future kids. Then get a little bummed out and hafto make myself not to think about it. I kind of missed a few steps in my day dream, barely even had my first kiss.
as the ones where i compare my life to others my own age.
as the ones where i am jealous of how easy everyone else makes it look. How easily it is for others fall in love. How girls my age can throw themselves at the guys. I cant do that, it seems silly but i cant. I feel the need to hide my feelings.
as the ones where I cry occasionally and get really sad. I keep going because i believe that It will get better. I have unknowingly been promised days where nothing in the world can go wronge. I am basing all that i know on my feelings and what i have seen. And on possibilities. I am 19, I am young and there are so many people in the world. And that someone who is currently on this earth, that i have yet to meet, is there. and that i will b happy one day.
Well enough of that!~ Some new news about me. I entered a College art contest, Brass Rings, yesterday. Thats fun, and I turned in tons of school work. You should also check out my Vimeo Videos for my recent video work!
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